Monday, December 28, 2009

David Cook - December In Review

December was a good month for David Cook and The Anthemic. After over 150 shows since February 14, 2008, the Declaration Tour unexpectedly wrapped up on December 1st. The last show, scheduled for December 2, was cancelled the night before, resulting in a flurry of Twitter activity, speculations and questions. We still don't know why the last concert never happened, but we know it was not Dave's idea - he never cancels.

In a word, the last show was epic. Never one to disappoint, Dave had some tricks up his sleeve. He ate pasta on stage during Green River Ordinance's (a.k.a GRO) performance; even trying to feed the lead singer, Josh. The crazy antics continued with David taping the word "poop" on GRO's base drum. Captain America, Green Man, Monkey, and Banana all made an appearance. My personal favorite was the "River Dance" dance-off between The Script and GRO. This is a group of guys who genuinely like each other and like to have fun! Fire Tornado (a band made up of the tour crew) even made an appearance at the end of the night while David and the rest of the guys threw tour mementos into the crowd (even Parm, the rubber chicken!). One of the most poignant moments of the night was Mr. Cook standing on the side of the stage, towel wrapped around his neck, tears in eyes, taking it all in.

The rest of December included: Dave writing and recording in NYC; Dave and Neal celebrating birthdays; Dave singing the National Anthem at the Kansas City Chiefs game; Andy Skib performing at the Flytrap Music Hall; Dave making a surprise appearance/performance at a concert in KC; Neal being stuck in airports for about a week; and a flawless performance of "Lie" on The Carrie Underwood Christmas Special.

After a short break, we have the New Year's Eve show in Pechanga to look forward to! Here's to an even better year in 2010.

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